Fide Competition Rules

Here You can view the Fide Competition Rules

There are 2 types of Fide Competition System, namely the Round Robin and Swisses.

For Round Robin competition, you will play with all other players in the same tournament. Please note that as per rule 8.2(1) Each player has entered into a contract to play throughout the tournament. All your games will be scheduled at the beginning of the tournament.

As far as Swiss System is concerned, pairings will be done after each round. Please note that as per Rule 8.3 (2) If a player cannot play a particular round it is essential to inform the Pairings Controller and Chief Arbiter before the pairings for that round are made. In that case, you will NOT be paired if you have informed the CA before next round, thus reducing the impact of your absence to minimal.

If somehow you cannot make it to a round after the pairing is made, it is still highly recommended that you inform the Chief Arbiter by writing as soon as possible too. Please note that if you do not show up without a word, your opponent will have to wait a certain time (an hour at this moment in HKCF tournament unless otherwise stated) before he can claim his victory (win by default/forfeit).

Please note also according to Conduct of the Players
9.1 Once a player has formally accepted an invitation, he must play except in exceptional circumstances (force majeure), such as illness or incapacity. Acceptance of another invitation is not considered to be a valid reason
for not participating or for withdrawing.

HKCF understands that every one of us might have other obligations, so we allow a certain number of forfeits (defeat in chess game by being absence). The exact number vary depending on different tournament and the number of rounds of the tournament (it will be stated in the regulations of that particular tournament), while too many forfeits might result in a penalty.

If you are unable to play in a registered tournament anymore for whatever reason, please write to the chief arbiter to apply withdrawal.