Women Olympiad Selection Tournament 奧賽女子選拔賽

Our federation is considering sending a women’s team to the Chess Olympiad in Baku, Azerbaijan. We are now calling for entries to a selection tournament where the top qualifiers have the privilege of representing Hong Kong at that Olympiad. The last time Hong Kong sent a women’s team was in 1984 for the Thessaloniki Olympiad in Greece. A total of 5 ladies will be considered for this team.

If there are insufficient entries for this selection, we may not be able to field a team for this prestigious event.

Please send in your entries as soon as possible. Closing date for entries will be 1st December 2015.

本會將會派女子隊參加明年在阿塞拜疆首都巴庫舉行的國際象棋奧林匹克賽。為此本會將會舉辦一次選拔賽,誠邀各界女士參加。對上一次香港派出女子隊已經是 1984年於希臘塞薩洛尼基肇行的奧林匹克競賽,今次機會難能可貴。今年將共有5位代表組成香港女子隊,但如果最終人數不夠的話,本會就可能不能派遣女隊參與此次盛會,希望各界踴躍支持。

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